2024 Community Sponsorships Quarter 1

Submissions closed at midnight 30 September 2024 (ACST).

IMPORTANT: Please read information below to assist you in completing your application online.


Welcome to the Community Bank Mount Gambier & District's online grant application service, powered by SmartyGrants.

You may begin anywhere in this application form. Please ensure you save as you go.

For queries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the form, please contact us on 8726 3200 during business hours or email info.mgdfs@gmail.com and quote your submission number.

Click here to view the guidelines.

If you need more help using this form, download the Help Guide for Applicants or check out Applicant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Before you begin the online application make sure you have:

  • Your organisation's administration (including ABN or incorporation number if you have one) and contact details
  • All the project details including clear objectives, processes, timelines and outcomes defined
  • Your feasible project budget (including accurate quotes, wage estimates if applicable, alternative funding contributions etc)
  • Project partner details and support letter (if support is required)
  • Supporting documents for upload including financial statements.


Eligible community groups complete an online application. This program operates quarterly (closing dates of 30 September, 31 December, 31 March and 30 June each year).

Once submitted, your application will be assessed by our Community Investment Grants Committee, reviewed against selection criteria and you’ll be notified in due course.

The actual process itself is quite simple:

  1. Review the eligibility criteria
  2. Develop your project proposal
  3. Complete and submit your online application 
  4. You will be notified by email whether your application was successful, unsuccessful or requires more information or development.
  5. Successful applicants will be required to sign an Agreement
  6. Funds will be paid on submission of a Tax Invoice
  7. You’ll deliver the project as proposed
  8. You’ll submit the acquittal and impact story.


You should consider applying for Community Investment funding if:

  • You represent a not-for-profit, for-purpose or community focused organisation
  • Your organisation holds an Australian bank account
  • Have a meaningful project or cause for funding
  • Can demonstrate the proposed community benefits and impacts of the proposal

Please note: applications cannot be made by an individual or on behalf of an individual for personal reasons.  Applications can only be accepted on behalf of an approved not-for-profit club, group or organisation.

If successful, a formal Community Investment Grants Agreement must be signed for the approval process to be considered complete.

Formal invoices to accounting standards must be submitted for funding to be paid.  This includes on approved stationery with all company details including ABN if applicable. Funding will not be paid to an individual.

It is a requirement of accepting Community Investment Grant funding that you share with us the successes, challenges, outcomes and impacts of your project (content and images). This helps us share the impact of the program to a wider audience with the intention of building a better community story and encouraging other organisations to consider applying too.


If you wish to leave a partially completed application, press 'save and close' and log out. When you log back in and click on the 'My Submissions' link at the top of the screen, you will find a list of any applications you have started or submitted. You can reopen your draft application and start where you left off.

You can also download any application, whether draft or completed, as a PDF. Click on the 'Download PDF' button located at the bottom of the last page of the application form.


You will find a Review and Submit button at the bottom of the Navigation Panel. You need to review your application before you can submit it.

Once you have reviewed your application you can submit it by clicking on 'Submit' at the top or bottom of the screen or on the navigation panel. You will not be able to submit your application until all the compulsory questions are completed and there are no validation errors.

Once you have submitted your application, no further editing or uploading of support materials is possible.

When you submit your application, you will receive a confirmation email with a copy of your submitted application attached. This will be sent to the email you used to register.

If you do not receive a confirmation of submission email then you should presume that your submission has NOT been submitted.

Hint: also check the email hasn't landed in your spam or junk email folder.


For queries about the guidelines, deadlines, or questions in the form, please reach out to Kristyn Jones, Community Assistant, at info.mgdfs@gmail.com and quote your submission number.

Click here to view the guidelines.  If you need more help using this form, download the Help Guide for Applicants or check out Applicant Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's).